Summary Bible Study: Revelation session 3
Summary: Session 3, Revelation 2:1-3:22
This section details the instructions given to John for the seven churches. Each church was in a different geography and had a different set of gifts and challenges. The format of each letter is the same. The group outlined each letter according to the following format.
1. Identify the church.
2. How is Jesus described in the passage to the church?
3. What are the strengths of the church?
4. What needs improvement in the church?
5. What was promised to those who are faithful?
Here is a summary of what the groups discovered about the 7 churches.
1. Ephesus – Jesus is described as holding 7 stars and walking among 7 lampstands, the strengths of the church is their works, their patient endurance, and that they don’t tolerate evil does. They need to rekindle the love that they new at first. They were promised to eat at the tree of life.
2. Smyrna – Jesus is described as the First and Last, who was dead and came to life. The strengths of the church were their rich spirituality. Nothing really needed improvement and they were promised the crown of life.
3. Pergamum – Jesus was described as a sharp two edge sword. The strength of this church was that they did not deny their faith. However, they had problems with fornication, eating food sacrificed to Idols and they sometimes held to the teachings of the Nicolaitans. They were promised Mana and a white stone.
4. Thyatira – Jesus is described as having eyes like a flame of fire and feet that are burnished bronze. The strengths of the church are love, faith, service, and patient endurance. They need to improve by not tolerating the Jezebel in their midst. They were promised authority over nations and the morning star.
5. Sardis – Jesus is described as the 7 Spirits of God and the 7 Stars of God. The strength of the church is a few good people and they are told that they need to improve because they are DEAD! The reward they are promised is never having their name blotted out from the book of life.
6. Philadelphia – Jesus is described as the Holy One, True one, and he has the key of David. The strengths of the church is that they kept their word and did not deny the name of Jesus. Nothing needs improvement and the reward would be to make them a pillar.
7. Laodicea – Jesus is described as the Amen, the faithful true witness, the ruler of God’s creation. There were no strengths found at this Church! What needs improvement is the fact that the church doesn’t think it needs anything. The fact that the church is wishy washy. Their reward would be to sit with Jesus on his throne.
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