Monday, November 13, 2006

Flee the End-time Turmoil

The title of this post is the title of this section of Mark in the New Interpreter's Bible Commentary. There is a lot of focus on "End times" these days. Recently, I got a letter at St. Peter's from a couple in Henrietta who recieved the post card. They were urging me to find the "narrow gate" and not listen to false prophets (the Episcopal Church). Just yesterday, there was a pamphlet outside the church doors warning us about the end times. There are actually internet sites predicting the end of the world. People seemed to be very interested in the apocalypse. Remember the series, Left Behind? It was a best seller.

So what do we do today we these prophecies? How do they relate to us? The warnings to flee in this gospel reflect the conditions in Judea at the time of the writing. Today, it makes me think of Africa. People are fleeing from their homes in desparate attempts to save their lives. I'm wondering why this doesn't get more attention?


At 6:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is horrifying about the killing in Darfur. I saw a piece on NBC about the killing. What I found surprising was that it was Muslims killing other muslims. Some of these people had been neighbors. It is hard to understand sometimes what actually motivates people to behave in such a cruel manner.

At 8:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is also the violence in Rochester. 7 homicides in one week, a woman left to die after being hit by a car. How do prophecies relate to violence?

At 12:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Even those who see signs of the End would agree that they do not know the exact time. So, it is okay to prepare but not to scare the young minds. Those of us who have seen this prediction cycle occur many times in our lifetime know not to be obsessed with the thoughts of the End. I am not sure what are the false prophecies are.

At 7:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is possible that atrocities like Darfur were much worse throughout history but the level and type of global communication make it seem like apocalypse now.
We just need to expose it and work to reduce it at every level starting in Rochester. I don't think it means we are about to fulfill that prophecy. We are not yet at the stage where we can destroy all life on earth.

At 8:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What does 'End of the World" mean? Is end of man, end of all life on earth, physical destruction of the earth, or of the universe?

At 8:59 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Since the prophecy was about Judea and the conflicts in that region are still on-going, the 'end' today could mean the end of Israel and Palestine. And there is no shortage of people who are determined to make that happen.


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